
Spackenkill Cookbook
Check out this cookbook created by the staff and students at Spack. Have a favorite recipe you would like to add? Submit your recipe HERE!

Join the library MAKERSPACE!

Makerspace Activity

Need to check out a book? 

Visit OPALS to view our online catalog. Includes all books and E-books. You can even place a hold on books you want!

LOGIN for Students:
Username: Student ID (Lunch Code)
Password: None (Leave this blank)

School & Library Spotlight 2019: OverDrive Education Celebrates Sora
Ebooks and audiobooks.
Choose Spackenkill from the dropdown. 

Student Login:
FirstnameLastname (no spaces)
Student ID (Lunch Code)

Teachers, please email librarian to receive login information

You may also use the SORA App.


Ebooks and audiobooks.
Choose Spackenkill from the dropdown. 

Student Login:
FirstnameLastname (no spaces)
Student ID (Lunch Code)

Teachers, please email librarian to receive login information

You may also use the OverDrive App.


Ebooks and audiobooks.

Use your network id and password spack to sign in. 
Use the Brytewave K-12 App for your device- bookshelf wbb25016


SR Experiment
 Those Winter Sundays