

Triangle Shirtwaist factory Fire Memorial Scholarship
- Awards scholarships of up to $6,000 per academic year ($3,000 per semester) to the children of workers who were permanently disabled or killed on the job and are receiving New York State workers’ compensation benefits. For more information please visit the scholarship website by clicking the following link:

The Mid-Hudson Chapter of the NYS Association of School Business Officials: four (4)five-hundred dollar ($500) scholarship awards to graduating students from school districts in Orange, Ulster, Sullivan, or Dutchess County who are pursuing a degree in Business, Finance and/or Education. For more information please see the following document links:
2025 Cover Ltr. to Chapter Members.docx.pdf  2025 Scholarship Application.docx.pdf

Scholarship Opening for Military Families -The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation awards// need-based scholarships to the children of Marines attending accredited colleges, community02/25/ colleges, and career technical education programs. It’s the nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military families, and their mission is to provide scholarship support to every eligible child of a Marine. The scholarship application for the 2025-26 academic year opens on January 1, 2025, and will close on March 1, 2025. For more information on eligibility or to apply, visit Email [email protected] with questions, or call 866-496-5462. 

The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC):NPC is made up of 26 inter/national sororities and is the largest advocacy and support organization for the women’s-only sorority experience. NPC will award 10 college scholarships of $2,000 each annually through our new NPC Centennial Scholarships Program. For more information and to apply please go to:



Community Foundations ScholarshipsThe Community Foundations administers scholarship funds established by individuals, families, corporations, and organizations to assist high school and other students in pursuit of educational opportunities which will help them meet and exceed their goals. These awards are charitable grants that the recipient is not required to repay. Scholarships may be used for legitimate educational expenses such as tuition, fees, and books. To search available scholarships please visit:

Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation ScholarshipsThe purpose of the Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation Scholarship is to assist students who have been affected by breast cancer in some way to achieve their college aspirations. For more information please go to the following website: Milesofhopescholarshippage

The Mid Hudson Chapter of Trout Unlimited (MHTU) - Scholarship awarded to a Dutchess
County High School Senior who is passionate about the outdoors and will be pursuing a career
in an environmental or ecology based field of study. For more information and to apply please click on the following documents:

2025 MHTU Scholarship.docx   2025 MHTU Scholarship Application.docx

Chamber Foundations Inc. Scholarships - 2025 Undergraduate Scholarship Program has several scholarships available. For more information and available scholarships please visit:

Elaine Trumppetto Memorial Scholarship - This scholarship is open to all high
school seniors in Dutchess County with college or trade school aspirations for the Fall. For more information and to apply please see attached flyer:ETMS Flyer