Publish Your Work

Cicada (ages 14+)
Cicada, a literary magazine, challenges talented and creative readers to answer the Call for Creative Endeavors. For the current theme and rules visit The Arbiters of Creative Endeavors will choose a few selections to run in upcoming issues of Cicada.

Figment (13+)
Share your writing, connect with other readers, read novels, short stories & poems.  All genres, including cell phone novels, are accepted.

Frodo's Notebook (13-19)
Submit poetry, personal essays, fiction, aricles and visual art to Frodo's notebook.

Pine Tree Poetry (through age 18)
Submit poetry.

Teen Ink (13-19)
Submit writing, art, and photos.

Teen Voices (girls 13-19)
Submit original artwork, poetry, essays, photographs and/or performances

The Writer's Slate (through grade 12)
Students may create a poem, a narrative, or an essay.